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Using Arduino with Air Manager General Information Need more info, feel free to mail me Air Manager is a software tool that is capable of collecting data out of FSX, P3D and XPlane. It is sold by Air Manager has more than 450 free downloadable instruments. Most of these instruments were made by enthusiastic and talented Air Manager users. My experience is that it is a lot better than other Arduino based tools and most important you have full control over the communication between hardware and simulator. On the other hand you need small programming knowledge to be succesfull but there are many examples which you can learn from. By using plugins in FSX, P3D and Xplane Airmanager is automatically connected to the simulator you use. The installation of the plugin in done automatically by the software. You can create or use available LUA scripts to connect to all parts of the simulator be it; any model in XPlane or the default ones, FSX or P3D all versions. You can choose to run instruments, self mades or made by others, on a display or connect to a hardware instrument that is connected to Arduino. There is an extended user base and a very active forum where you will be helped with writing or changing your own instruments. For connecting your hardware you can use different boards of Arduino and RapsBerry Pi. Below what hardware can be connected
You do not need to write complex code in the Arduino editor, everything is done with easy to use LUA script functions and you specify the board and ports to use in Air Manager. A lot of examples are on their WIKI pages. For advanced users there is also a MessagePort library which enables you to communicate both ways between Arduino and AirManager especially for things that are currently not supported in Air Manager.