Arduino, Air Manager or XPL/Pro direct plugin to X Plane, info pages and working examples. On these pages, we have different examples of how to connect your hardware to the simulator.For this, we mostly use Air Manager, which gives you the possibility to gather data fromP3D, FSX, FSE, XPlane and in the future, FS2020.Air Manager is flexible and works with LUA scripting, so it is always possible to make small changesto existing scripts. There is also a active forum with lot’s of helpful people and info.Have you made some cool stuff? Share it with us and it will be listed here.What is Air Manager and how can you connect hardwareto an Arduino and connect to different simulators with live data.We fully support the following Sims now: FSX, Prepar3D, and X Plane
XPlane plugin - connect directly from Arduino without extra software
Last week I came across a new plugin for XPLane and did some tests which were simply wonderfull. Writing minimal code and controlling datarefs and commands in XPlane 11. Datarefs can be read, write or readwrite. You can add a series of datarefs to query. Read the article here
Need more info, feel freeto mail
7 segment MicroDrivers, connected to Arduino - beginners use
NAV-COM radio with connected displays and encoders and transfer buttons. 2 Arduino Nano’s are use in this example 1 Nano handles the 4 displays for the NAV and COM radio’s. The second Nano handles the encoders and the transfer buttons. Info about these examples via NAV COM radios
7-segment drivers and displays, MicroDrivers connected to Arduino - Advance use
Complete examples with scripts and everything you need to know to get 7 segment drivers working via Arduino and connect them to XPlane, FSX or Prepar3D.See these examples via MicroDrivers AirManager!! All LUA scripts and necessary Arduino sketches are available
Driving a RPM gauge with Arduino connected to XPlane, cablibration included
Example of how to use a stepper motor and ULN driver to bring a RPM gauge to live and run it with the data from XPlane, also possible for FSX or P3DThe stepper is connected via the driver to 4 digital ports on the arduino. The calibration switch is connected directly to a port on Arduino. The data comes from XPlane via AirManager, the script does not take more then a few lines
Complete information and scripts via this pageStepper and driver can be bought here
Driving a RPM gauge with Arduino connected to XPlane, cablibration included
See running examples of an X27 stepper motorto drive a RPM gauge.More info via this page
NAV COM connect encoders and transfer buttons via Air Manager