Arduino Mega2560 Microcontroller 54 ports I prefer European quality, no Chinese clones
Led extension board (Common anode and common cathode versions)
Use it to connect LEDs and other high-power devices to your Microcontroller. It is suitable for Arduino, Pokeys and others. Protects the ports of the microcontroller from drawing too much current. Exists in a common anode or Common cathode-led version. Connection info here
7-segment drivers and displays, MicroDrivers
No difficult wiring with the plugged-on digit boards. Available in 4 to 8 digits and different colors. There are only 4 wires to connect.It can be used with Arduino, Pokeys, Air Manager for X Plane, FSX, P3D, and ProSim MicroDrivers for 7-segment displays with connected displays
7-segment drivers for use with your own displays, MicroDrivers
No difficult wiring with the plugged-on digit boards. Available in 4 to 8 digits and different colors. There are only 4 wires to connect.It can be used with Arduino, Pokeys, Air Manager for X Plane, FSX, P3D, and ProSim
IRS display complete set
Complete set, no difficult wiring with the plugged on digit boards. Only 4 wires to connect. Can be used with Arduino, Pokeys, ProSim. With Air Manager for X Plane, FSX, P3D, and ProSimHow to: IRS display with 7-segment displays
NAV COM Radio’s complete set
Complete set, no difficult wiring with the plugged on digit boards. Only 4 wires to connect. Available in 5 or 6 digits.Can be used with Arduino, Pokeys, ProSim. With AirManager for XPlane, FSX, P3D, ProSimHow to: Build a radio very fast
Pressurisation, FLT ALT and LAND ALT displays
2 times 5 digits with attached MicroDriverscomplete setCan be used with Arduino, Pokeys, ProSimwith Air Manager for X Plane, FSX, P3D
Elec panel, 737NG style
Can be ordered complete or for use with your own drivers. Can be used with Arduino, Pokeys, ProSim. With AirManager for XPlane, FSX, P3D, ProSim !! For a complete set order the 3 items.